The Placebo Effect, what exactly is it?

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The Placebo Effect is a phenomenon where patients are given a fake sugar pill and are told it will help them in some way or form. Doctors take two groups of people to study, one are given real pills for an ailment, while the others are given sugar pills. This is a time tested study; it’s been used in many different occasions to list just two it’s been used in studies for cold medicine and cancer research.

Both groups are told that the pills will help with their ailments. In some patients who take the sugar pills, studies have shown that it works at fighting their sickness just as well if not better than the actual pills. These studies seem to suggest that the power our mind has to heal ourselves is greater than we have ever thought. Scientists are still baffled as to how this happens. Who knows, maybe all we need is to think what we’re taking is healthy and as a result it becomes.

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